Enroll @ Beaverton Schools
There are three ways you are able to enroll your child(ren) at Beaverton Schools. Please choose one.
Fill out our electronic enrollment form
Download, print, complete and mail or deliver our enrollment packet located here.
Stop by the BJSHS, BES or Superintendent's office and obtain our paper enrollment packet.
Which starting point is right for your child? ENROLL TODAY and we’ll figure it out together.
Available for children three to five years of age
Critical skills development in areas like emotional intelligence, motor development, visual recognition, early sound recognition and music
Children provided with a high quality preschool experience show significant positive developmental differences
Areas of learning: Letter recognition, building positive relationships, working in group settings, gross and fine motor skills, using writing and drawing tools, building language, developing literacy skills, counting, measurements
The first year of a two-year Kindergarten experience; students who complete the Young Fives program are promoted to Kindergarten the following year along with their peers
Designed for students who are considered “young” in relation to their Kindergarten peers; typically, students who are turning five between July and December 1 are good candidates
Based on Kindergarten standards modified to meet the academic, social and emotional needs of younger children
More opportunities for social, emotional and language development and communication through academic play, small group instruction, and intentional teaching through hands-on activities
Students attend a full day of school, beginning and ending their day with the rest of the student body
Day includes learning and hands-on activities, lunch, recess and snack and quiet time when needed
Students attend Specials classes (Art, P.E., STEM and Music) just like the rest of the elementary school students
Class sizes range from 11 to 18 students
Builds on the skills learned in preschool to ensure they will be able to begin kindergarten with confidence
Gives students an extra year of social, emotional and academic growth and smaller class size enables more individual teacher-student contact
Kindergarten is an educational program for young children, typically between the ages of five-and-a-half and six years old
Serves as a bridge between early childhood education (preschool) and formal primary education
Children engage in activities that promote social, emotional, physical and cognitive development
Aims to help children develop basic skills, including early literacy, numeracy and social skills to prepare them for a successful school career
Specific curriculum and structure of programs can vary, but over-arching goal is to provide a nurturing, stimulating environment that supports students’ overall growth and prepares them for a successful transition to primary school
Areas of academic concentration include Reading/Writing, Math, Social Studies and Science (Kindergarten Common Core Standards)
Students attend daily Specials classes that alternate between Art, Physical Education, STEM and Music