Family/District Communications Guidelines
Sometimes, people disagree. When you take more than a thousand students, teachers, administrators and staff and put them in the same place for nine months, familiarity will, at times, make for misunderstandings, disagreements and a need for conflict resolution. This document is designed to help address these concerns while respecting the needs and proper channels of resolution for all involved.
If a parent or guardian has a concern with a student’s interactions in school, there are expectations for all sides of the issue. For teachers, administrators and staff, the expectation is that they will listen - to the family’s concerns, to the student’s needs and to all parties involved - in a sincere effort to resolve the issue to everyone’s satisfaction. For parents and guardians, the expectation is they first wait (if possible) for emotions to cool, and then address the concern with school officials in the sequence detailed below. If handled with mutual respect and the overriding interest in what’s best for all students, the overwhelming majority of these types of conflicts are resolved in the early phases of these conversations with teachers, coaches and bus drivers; it’s also vital for staff to address these in a timely fashion and, if appropriate, in writing. If an understanding can’t be reached at those levels, escalation to the next tier is appropriate and encouraged.
At Beaverton Schools, we all want the same thing - to provide a safe and enriching learning environment for all kids. Observing these protocols will assist immeasurably in that endeavor, and we appreciate your willingness to respect this process.