Beaverton Schools has announced that Michael Hugan has been selected as its new superintendent following a thorough three-month search process. The district’s board of education made it official at its meeting Monday with a unanimous vote approving Hugan’s hire.

“We’re excited to bring Mike on board and get to work,” said Board President Adam Zdrojewski. “He’s bringing a wealth of experience and knowledge to the position, and our board and the staff are eager to welcome him and begin this new era for Beaverton Schools.”

Zdrojewski said the board was impressed with Hugan’s experience, especially in his last job as superintendent of Deckerville Community Schools from 2017 through 2023. Previously, Hugan worked in various teaching and administrative positions at schools in Harbor Beach, Potterville and Saginaw, among others.

“I’m thrilled to be joining the team at Beaverton,” said Hugan, whose three-year contract in the position begins July 1. “This school is at the heart of a community that takes great pride in the district’s traditions, its beautiful facilities and its students, and it’s a pleasure to be given the chance to become a part of that family.”

Zdrojewski applauded the efforts of the board’s select committee that led the search process, ably assisted by district administrators.

“We made a very conscious decision to conduct the search ourselves, rather than hire an outside firm, and this outcome affirms that decision,” Zdrowjewski said. “Committee members ShaVonne Brubaker and Ryan Longstreth - along with Interim Superintendent Tom House and our staff - did an excellent job getting the word out to potential candidates and spearheading the process that led us here.”