Join student council and participate in our Wednesday theme days!
about 5 years ago, Alex Smith
Wednesday Theme Days
We live in the greatest country on earth! One of the most enjoyable parts of the day is being able to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America with our great students.
about 5 years ago, Mike Bassage
pledge students
Pizza Kits Are On The Way! If your student ordered Little Ceasers Pizza Kits, they will be distributed on Tuesday, January 28th between 2.30 and 3.30pm. Pick up location is the red barn training complex just South of the elementary gym in the parking lot. It is a required pickup!
about 5 years ago, Mike Bassage
Little Caesars Pizza kit
Pizza Kits Are On The Way! If your student ordered Little Ceasers Pizza Kits, they will be distributed on Tuesday, January 28th between 2.30 and 3.30pm. Pick up location is the red barn training complex just South of the elementary gym in the parking lot. It is a required pickup!
about 5 years ago, Mike Bassage
LC pizza kit
LC pizza guy
A big THANK YOU to Pastor Hodge and the Beaverton Ministerial Association. They donated a brand new stackable washer and dryer to Beaverton Elementary.
about 5 years ago, Mike Bassage
washer dryer
EARLY RELEASE DAY!! Just a reminder to all of our families that school will be released at 11:30am for the Elementary and 11:45am for the Junior/Senior High School
about 5 years ago, Mike Bassage
early release day
FLU SEASON IS UPON US! Nurse Carland has a few reminders. If your child needs a fever reducing medicine for a fever above 100.0, they should not come to school that day or until they are without a fever for 24 hours with no medications. Call the office to report any absence.
about 5 years ago, Mike Bassage
flu season
flu prevention
And so It begins. Beaverton Elementary students are creating a chain of kindness that will travel around the school. Students are writing down their acts of kindness and we are connecting them together creating a chain. The goal is to have over 1000 acts of kindness!!
about 5 years ago, Mike Bassage
act of kindness rings
act of kindness chain
Beaverton Elementary students enjoyed a great assembly today titled A New Year A New You. It's always fun when you get to SMASH stuff and teachers show off their dance moves. However, the main message was how important it is to be kind to others.
about 5 years ago, Mike Bassage
random act of kindness
teacher dance move
smashing stuff
The giving spirit. Nothing warms your heart more than to see students give back. Beaverton Elementary Student Council challenged all students to donate personal care items for the community. Over 1,000 items were donated! Congratulations students and thank you!!
about 5 years ago, Mike Bassage
Beaverton Elementary student council
Mrs. Rise and Mrs. Danilack took Mrs. Rise's class in to the City of Beaverton to carol for local businesses.
about 5 years ago, Mike Bassage
Mrs Rise class
It is candy cane themed day here at Beaverton Elementary. Tomorrow is dress as your favorite holiday character.
about 5 years ago, Mike Bassage
candy cane themed day
candy cane themed day
candy cane themed day
Last Thursday, December 12th, some of our Beaverton Elementary students had a wonderful shopping experience. They were able to leave school and Shop With A Hero for the day. Thank you to all of the local emergency personnel who helped to make this a great day!
about 5 years ago, Mike Bassage
Shop with a hero
Shop with a hero
Shop with a hero group picture
Shop with a hero
Another great Beaverton Elementary kindergarten Christmas program! Thank you to all the parents who took time out of their day to spend it with us.
over 5 years ago, Mike Bassage
Mrs. Werth's class
Kindergarten Christmas Program
Mrs. Revis class
Mrs.Peterson class
Thank you to our PTO for putting on a great Santa's Secret Workshop for our students. We appreciate all the hard work and the volunteer hours you do to help make this a great School!
over 5 years ago, Mike Bassage
Santa's Secret Workshop
Santa's Secret Workshop