Announcements: March 11, 2020
• March is Reading Month Quote of the Day “Once you have a read a book you care about, some part of it is always with you.” Louis L’Amour
• Film Club meeting today is cancelled.
• Jersey collection for 7th grade boys basketball will be Thursday, March 12th. Coach Gaudard will be down by the weight room to collect your shorts and jersey.
• 7th and 8th grade students your World's Finest Chocolate candy bar money is due to Ms. Coughlin or Mrs. Hubble by next Tuesday March 17th. Let us know if you are having a problem selling the rest of your candy bars.
• Attention juniors and seniors: Are you planning to pursue a career in the military, EMT, Police Department, Fire, Justice System, or DNR? If so, see Shawnnah Hannah or Ms. Fitz before spring break to be featured on a spread for the yearbook!
• There will be a Spanish Club meeting on Thursday, Mar. 12th in Hache's room during 1st lunch
• It’s Snack Time! All students staying after school can get a FREE snack from the food service staff EVERY day! Look for your friendly food services faces in your school cafeteria right after school. Don’t miss out and get fueled up before your after school activities!
• Music Booster Meeting this Thursday (3/12) @ 5:30 pm in the band room.
Counseling News: Interested in dual enrollment? There will be an informational meeting for both parents and students on Monday, March 16th in the library starting at 7.
Dual enrolled students: do you have an upcoming midterm or test? Be sure to check the date and think about how spring break might impact that! Think ahead to avoid the panic.
Event Results:
Birthday: No Birthdays
Today’s Lunch Menu: Spaghetti, Meatballs in Sauce, & Biscuit
This morning we honored our students of the month for March. Well done students!
Announcements: March 10, 2020
• March is Reading Month Quote of the Day “the person who deserves most pity is a lonesome one on a rainy day who doesn’t know how to read.” Benjamin Franklin
• JUNIOR HIGH TRACK AND FIELD: 7th and 8th graders interested in joining track and field should attend meeting on Tuesday during lunch. Get your lunch first at the time you eat with your grade, then go to library. Practice starts next Monday.
• Attention juniors and seniors: Are you planning to pursue a career in the military, EMT, Police Department, Fire, Justice System, or DNR? If so, see Shawnnah Hannah or Ms. Fitz before spring break to be featured on a spread for the yearbook!
• There will be a Spanish Club meeting on Thursday, Mar. 12th in Hache's room during 1st lunch
• It’s Snack Time! All students staying after school can get a FREE snack from the food service staff EVERY day! Look for your friendly food services faces in your school cafeteria right after school. Don’t miss out and get fueled up before your after school activities!
• Band and Choir Executive Board Meeting during First Lunch Today (3/10).
• Music Booster Meeting this Thursday (3/12) @ 5:30 pm in the band room.
Counseling News:
Event Results: Boys Basketball lost to Beal City
Birthday: Gabriel Drudge, Adalee Martin, Lakin Scott
Today’s Lunch Menu: 2 Chicken Egg Roll, Asian Brown Rice, Breadstick, & Sweet & Sour Sauce
Beavers lose 46-51 to Beal City in first round. Thank you, Seniors.
Beavers down 44-47 with the ball with 1:17 to go. GO RED!
Inscho hits a 3 at end of 3rd Quarter for Beavers to take first lead of night 35-34.
Beavers cut lead 27-31 and Beal City calls time out with 3:29 to go in 3rd. GO RED!
Beavers down 16-28 at half time. Come on, RED!
Beavers down 10-16 at end of 1st quarter against Beal City in first round of Districts in Farwell. GO RED!
Boys Basketball travels to Farwell for first round of MHSAA Districts and plays Beal City at 6:00 p.m. GOOD LUCK BEAVERS!
Our Juniors are attending College & Career day at Mid today. Getting information to start thinking more seriously about their future goals.
Announcements: March 9, 2020
• March is Reading Month Quote of the Day “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies…The man who never reads lives only one.” George R.R. Martin
• Juniors will be dismissed at 9:30 for Mid-Michigan College in Mt. Pleasant.
• JUNIOR HIGH TRACK AND FIELD: 7th and 8th graders interested in joining track and field should attend meeting on Tuesday during lunch. Get your lunch first at the time you eat with your grade, then go to library. Practice starts next Monday.
• Attention juniors and seniors: Are you planning to pursue a career in the military, EMT, Police Department, Fire, Justice System, or DNR? If so, see Shawnnah Hannah or Ms. Fitz before spring break to be featured on a spread for the yearbook!
• There will be a Spanish Club meeting on Thursday, Mar. 12th in Hache's room during 1st lunch
• It’s Snack Time! All students staying after school can get a FREE snack from the food service staff EVERY day! Look for your friendly food services faces in your school cafeteria right after school. Don’t miss out and get fueled up before your after school activities!
• Congratulations to our JSHS Choir for earning an Excellent I Rating at District Choral Festival at Standish and qualifying for STATE in May. They received lovely comments and praise from the guest clinician following their performance AND earned a 27 out of 30 in the sight reading room. This is quite an achievement for our young choir - considering they were missing 11 singers!!! Keep up the excellent sound!!!!
• Band and Choir Executive Board Meeting during First lunch Tuedsay (3/10).
• Music Booster Meeting this Thursday (3/12) @ 5:30 pm in the band room.
• Students preparing for State Solo & Ensemble Festival this week-end (3/14) at Midland High need to make arrangements to rehearse with Mrs. Kintner ASAP. Performance times were posted on the Beaverton Band Facebook page.
• Beaverton Forensics Team earned a second place team trophy from the Alma Maze Tournament. Alisson tweed earned a 1st place individual trophy in Broadcasting.
• All BB/SB players report to Mr. Wentworth’s room at 3:10 today before practice.
• High School Track practice starts today. If you’re in the building after school, there will be running in the hallways starting at 3:30.
Counseling News:
Event Results: Bowling Final Scores at State Tournament were: Drew Minkina - 1,045, Xander Dell- 1,080, Ellie Minkina – 885, and Becca Claypool – 1,017.
Wrestling States results: Jacob Cassiday – 4th place
Events: Boys District Game @ Farwell vs Beal City. Bus leaves at 4:30, Game starts at 6:00, Drop & Go
Weekend Birthday: Jacquilynn Hooper & Logan Mathews
Birthday: Damon Strange & Devon Tilkins
Today’s Lunch Menu: Pierogis with Italian Meat Sauce
Beaverton's Forensics Team earned a second place team trophy from the Alma Maze tournament today. Allison Tweed earned a 1st place individual trophy in Broadcasting with 5 1/100's. Pictured is Allison Tweed, Julie Stacy, Breonna Noll, and Allissa Schwerin. Missing from picture Grace Hoag. Well done ladies!
Congratulations Beaverton Choir! They earned a I (Excellent) rating overall at Festival today!
Bowling update:
Final scores:
Drew: 1,045
Xander: 1,080
Ellie: 885
Becca: 1,017
Great season bowlers! #GoBeavers
Wrestling update: Jacob Cassiday will be wrestling for 3rd place in the state after two wins this morning.
Our bowlers are competing at the MHSAA State Tournament in Lansing today. Good luck Xander, Drew, Ellie and Becca!
Jacob and Jake both lost in their first bouts at the State Wrestling Tournament. They will continue to wrestle today as it is a double-elimination tournament. #GoBeavers
Announcements: March 6, 2020
• March is Reading Month Quote of the Day: “So please, oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install a lovely bookshelf on the wall.” Roald Dahl
• Baseball Practice schedules are in the office or see Mr. Wicke.
• Juniors and Sophomores: Don't forget to turn in your CTE and scheduling forms! Turn them in sooner to lock in your preferred program!
• Juniors that applied for Work-Based Learning for Next Year. Check your school email for a message from Mrs. Ewert. There is a meeting on today during 1st lunch in Room 155. Get your lunch and bring it with you. The meeting will start at 11:10 a.m. If you have questions, see Mrs. Ewert.
• Say Yes to the Prom Dress! Saturday, March 7th @ 9am to 2 pm in the Beaverton Activity Center Gym.
• The Mock Rock will be on Friday, April 3rd. Sign-up in the office to enter yourself or group in the competition.
• Jr/Sr High School Equestrian Team sign-up sheet and information is in the office.
• Attention Spring Sports athletes: Practices start March 9. You must have a physical and a green card from the office before that date.
• There is a sign-up sheet for any girls interested in playing high school volleyball next year but missed the meeting.
• Yearbook students will be selling yearbooks at lunch this week. $50 cash or check to Beaverton Schools. Get your book before it's too late!
• Attention juniors and seniors: Are you planning to pursue a career in the military, EMT, Police Department, Fire, Justice System, or DNR? If so, see Shawnnah Hannah or Ms. Fitz before spring break to be featured on a spread for the yearbook!
• There will be a Spanish Club meeting on Thursday, Mar. 12th in Hache's room during 1st lunch
Counseling News:
Event Results: Boys basketball lost to Shepherd 43-47. District Games Monday in Farwell.
Events: Girls Basketball Districts Championship game. Game starts at 7:00. Pinconning vs Farwell.
Saturday: State Bowling Tournament – Royal Scot, Lansing
Wrestling State Finals – Ford Field, Detroit
Birthday: no birthdays
Today’s Lunch Menu: Chicken Leg & Au gratin Potatoes
Beavers get beat in Shepherd 43-47. Boys play Beal City in first round of Districts on Monday in Farwell at 6:00. GO RED!