Happy Thanksgiving from the BJSHS Art department!
We took hand turkeys to the next level and created these for #handturkeyTuesday.
Announcements: November 24, 2021
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it
stands, one nation, under God, indivisible; with liberty and justice for all.
1. Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy your 4-day weekend and be safe.
2. Seniors, Your Senior portrait and baby picture are due to Mrs. Jorgensen by December 1 st .
3. Don't forget to pre-order your 2021-2022 yearbook! If you order before November 27th,
the cost is $40 per book. After that, the price will increase. You may order online at
yearbookforever.com or see Mrs. Jorgensen in room 146 for an order form to pay with
cash or check.
4. Anyone in 7-12 grades interested in ski club please come to the Media Center/library today
during lunch. Mrs. Carland will be there at 10:45 for 9-12 grades and 11:15 for 7-8 grades.
She needs to know how many people are interested as soon as possible. If you are unable
to make the ski club meeting and are interested. You can sign up on sheet in the office and
need to take the consent forms.
Event Results:
Birthday: Dalton Bridson, Jo Corlew, Jordan Rowan, Ben Zdrojewski
Lunch Menu: Waffles, Turkey Sausage Patty, Scrambled Eggs with Bacon & Cheese
Beaverton High School would like to congratulate all of our new National Honor Society inductees! Last evening, NHS inducted 20 new members. Thank you to Mrs. Sanderson and all of the NHS members for putting on a great event.
Beaverton Jr/Sr High School New Teacher Highlight Of The Month! Meet Mr. Mikulcik. Click on the link below.
Seniors, if you are interested in a Work Based Learning for second semester, we may be able to help. A local business has two good paying positions available. If this sounds like something you are interested in, please see Mrs. Phillips in the counseling office for more information. Thank you and have a great day.
Announcements: November 22, 2021
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it
stands, one nation, under God, indivisible; with liberty and justice for all.
1. The competition for Change Christmas is fierce! The leaders, in no particular order, are Mr.
Fox, Ms. Barnett, Mrs. Massaro, and Mrs. Kintner, but that could all 'change' with your next
donation in your WIN class. Thank you for your generous donations so far and remember
that you can still donate until Tuesday, November 23rd.
2. Seniors, Your Senior portrait and baby picture are due to Mrs. Jorgensen by December 1 st .
3. Don't forget to pre-order your 2021-2022 yearbook! If you order before November 27th,
the cost is $40 per book. After that, the price will increase. You may order online at
yearbookforever.com or see Mrs. Jorgensen in room 146 for an order form to pay with
cash or check.
4. Anyone in 7-12 grades interested in ski club please come to the Media Center/library on
their lunch next Wednesday the 24th of Nov. Mrs. Carland will be there at 10:45 for 9-12
grades and 11:15 for 7-8 grades. She needs to know how many people are interested as
soon as possible.
5. Central Michigan University will be here on Monday, November 22nd--interested students
can sign up in their google classroom.
6. 7 th & 8 th grade boys basketball meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 23 rd , in the
library during lunch.
Events: MS GBB @ Shepherd, Game starts at 5:00 pm, bus leaves at 3:45pm
Event Results:
Weekend Birthday: Kaitylyn Willetts, Madison Willetts, Olivia Smith
Today’s Birthday: Forest Beaty, Daman Porter, Layk Woodruff
Lunch Menu: Beef Hot Dog on a bun
Beaverton Jr/Sr High School New Teacher Highlight Of The Month! Meet Mr. Mikulcik. Click on the link below. https://drive.google.com/file/d/14mPwdAZl_lUtp0UiMOoSBAhd2kjtrvTi/view?usp=sharing
We are excited to have our National Honor Society inductions next Tuesday, Nov. 23rd @ 6:30pm. Congratulations to the students who are being inducted and have been a part of this great organization.
Attention seniors and parents of seniors!
Join us for Family Financial Aid Night
Learn more about obtaining funding for your post-secondary education! We hope to see you there!
December 7th, 6pm, high school library
Here are some reminders from your Friendly Neighborhood Yearbook teacher!
1) Senior portraits and baby pictures are due to Mrs. Jorgensen by Dec 1. Please email them to ejorgensen@beavertonschools.net or bring in hard copies of the photos.
2) Don't forget to pre-order your 2021-2022 yearbook! If you order before November 27th, the cost is $40 per book. After that, the price will increase. You may order online at yearbookforever.com or see Mrs. Jorgensen in room 146 for an order form to pay with cash or check.
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark! Mrs. Jorgensen's English 12 students started reading Hamlet today, and already a ghost of the deceased King Hamlet has appeared. What will happen in Denmark next??
Announcements: November 19, 2021
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it
stands, one nation, under God, indivisible; with liberty and justice for all.
1. The competition for Change Christmas is fierce! The leaders, in no particular order, are Mr.
Fox, Ms. Barnett, Mrs. Massaro, and Mrs. Kintner, but that could all 'change' with your next
donation in your WIN class. Thank you for your generous donations so far and remember
that you can still donate until Tuesday, November 23rd.
2. Seniors, Your Senior portrait and baby picture are due to Mrs. Jorgensen by December 1 st .
3. Don't forget to pre-order your 2021-2022 yearbook! If you order before November 27th,
the cost is $40 per book. After that, the price will increase. You may order online at
yearbookforever.com or see Mrs. Jorgensen in room 146 for an order form to pay with
cash or check.
4. Anyone in 7-12 grades interested in ski club please come to the Media Center/library on
their lunch next Wednesday the 24th of Nov. Mrs. Carland will be there at 10:45 for 9-12
grades and 11:15 for 7-8 grades. She needs to know how many people are interested as
soon as possible.
5. Interested in an Apprenticeship? Not sure what an Apprenticeship is? The Apprenticeship
Success Coordinator Nichole for Michigan Works will be here during both lunches Friday
November 19 th . Visit them Friday during lunch for more information on the opportunity’s
apprenticeships can offer! She will be located out of the cafeteria.
6. Anyone interested in participating in this year’s Madrigal production - meet in the band
room this Friday during first lunch.
7. Those Leo club members who have not yet voted for officers may do so through noon
today. Ballots are in the office please complete and leave in the office today.
8. Central Michigan University will be here on Monday, November 22nd--interested students
can sign up in their google classroom.
9. 7 th & 8 th grade boys basketball meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 23 rd , in the
library during lunch.
Event Results:
Birthday: ????
Lunch Menu: Chicken Alfredo w/Broccoli, & Dinner Roll
Announcements: November 18, 2021
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible; with liberty and justice for all.
1. Picture Retakes have been scheduled Today around 11:00. Office will call for retakes.
2. Seniors, Your Senior portrait and baby picture are due to Mrs. Jorgensen by December 1st.
3. NHS will be continuing with Change Christmas through Tuesday, November 23rd. Donations are appreciated.
4. Don't forget to pre-order your 2021-2022 yearbook! If you order before November 27th, the cost is $40 per book. After that, the price will increase. You may order online at yearbookforever.com or see Mrs. Jorgensen in room 146 for an order form to pay with cash or check.
5. Anyone in 7-12 grades interested in ski club please come to the Media Center/library on their lunch next Wednesday the 24th of Nov. Mrs. Carland will be there at 10:45 for 9-12 grades and 11:15 for 7-8 grades. She needs to know how many people are interested as soon as possible.
6. The cross-country end of season dinner will be at the bowling alley 6pm on tonight. Pizza will be provided. Please bring your uniforms with you to be turned in.
7. The Leo Club will meet today (Thursday) at lunch to vote for officers of the Club and organize shopping and wrapping. Please attend the lunch meeting in room 232. Ballots will also be available in the office through Friday, for those unable to attend in person.
8. Interested in an Apprenticeship? Not sure what an Apprenticeship is? The Apprenticeship Success Coordinator Nichole for Michigan Works will be here during both lunches Friday November 19th . Visit them Friday during lunch for more information on the opportunity’s apprenticeships can offer! She will be located out of the cafeteria.
9. Anyone interested in participating in this year’s Madrigal production - meet in the band room this Friday during first lunch.
Event Results:
Birthday: Chayce Cazabon & Ariana Humphries
Lunch Menu: Mashed Potato & Chicken Bowl, Cheesy Breadsticks, & Cherry Crisp
Announcements: November 17, 2021
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it
stands, one nation, under God, indivisible; with liberty and justice for all.
1. Picture Retakes have been scheduled for November 18 th .
2. Seniors, Your Senior portrait and baby picture are due to Mrs. Jorgensen by December 1 st .
3. NHS will be continuing with Change Christmas through Tuesday, November 23 rd . Donations
are appreciated.
4. Don't forget to pre-order your 2021-2022 yearbook! If you order before November 27th,
the cost is $40 per book. After that, the price will increase. You may order online at
yearbookforever.com or see Mrs. Jorgensen in room 146 for an order form to pay with
cash or check.
5. Anyone in 7-12 grades interested in ski club please come to the Media Center/library on
their lunch next Wednesday the 24th of Nov. Mrs Carland will be there at 10:45 for 9-12
grades and 11:15 for 7-8 grades. She needs to know how many people are interested as
soon as possible.
6. The cross-country end of season dinner will be at the bowling alley 6pm on Thursday. Pizza
will be provided. Please bring your uniforms with you to be turned in.
7. Music Booster Meeting Tonight @ 6 pm in the JSHS band room.
8. The Goodies Factory Popcorn orders are IN. Pick your order up today. Don't forget your
free product!!
Events: Middle School Girls Basketball vs Gladwin game at 5:00 pm
Event Results:
Birthday: Faith Danielak & Grace Danielak
Lunch Menu: Spaghetti with Meatball and Sauce
Announcements: November 16, 2021
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it
stands, one nation, under God, indivisible; with liberty and justice for all.
1. Picture Retakes have been scheduled for November 18 th .
2. Seniors, Your Senior portrait and baby picture are due to Mrs. Jorgensen by December 1 st .
3. It is time to Change Christmas, NHS will be starting their annual change drive during WIN
classes on Tuesday November 16th. Members of NHS will be visiting WIN classes from
November 16th to November 23rd to collect spare change. The change will be used to buy
gifts for families in need in our community. The WIN class that collects the most change
will be rewarded with a Sweet Treat.
4. 7th and 8th grade Century Fundraising money is due to Ms. Coughlin today. Please find a
time to come see her and drop it off. Late money will cause a delay in delivery dates.
5. Attention all seniors that are 18 years old, if you are interested in gaining experience with
children, the Elementary school is looking for staff for the SPARKS after school program.
If you are not quite 18, we are also in need of volunteers. If you are interested, please
reach out to Mrs. Letterhart in the SPARKS/Ignite room.
Event Results:
Weekend Birthdays: Kara Perras, Sebastian Shearer, Isabella Torres, Alton Camp, Jon Green,
Christian Rice
Birthday Today: Kayleigh Laird
Lunch Menu: Beef Nachos & Fiesta Rice
Mrs. Spraque's 9th grade science students incorporating STEM into a recent project. Each student had to redesign protective equipment to help make it more efficient. The creativity of our students has definitely shown through.
Announcements: November 12, 2021
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible; with liberty and justice for all.
1. Picture Retakes have been scheduled for November 18th.
2. School Pictures are in and will be handed out in WIN class.
3. Seniors, Your Senior portrait and baby picture are due to Mrs. Jorgensen by December 1st.
4. It is time to Change Christmas, NHS will be starting their annual change drive during WIN classes on Tuesday November 16th. Members of NHS will be visiting WIN classes from November 16th to November 23rd to collect spare change. The change will be used to buy gifts for families in need in our community. The WIN class that collects the most change will be rewarded with a Sweet Treat.
5. 7th and 8th grade students who participated in the Century fundraiser need to turn in forms and money to Ms. Coughlin no later than Tuesday 11/16/21. You still have the weekend to sell so take advantage of it.
6. Attention all seniors that are 18 years old, if you are interested in gaining experience with children, the Elementary school is looking for staff for the SPARKS after school program.
If you are not quite 18, we are also in need of volunteers. If you are interested, please reach out to Mrs. Letterhart in the SPARKS/Ignite room.
Event Results:
Birthdays: Landon Wood
Lunch Menu: Chili Cheese Dog
Volleyball loses in 3 to a tough McBain team in the Regional Championship. Congratulations on a great season and thank you to our seniors! Thank you to our incredible fans for your tremendous support.
Parents & Guardians,
If you have not yet taken our survey, please do so! We value your feedback.
Beaverton Jr/Sr High School Parent/Guardian Survey: https://forms.gle/QPWyNEaYAd33LJbM8
Announcements: November 11, 2021
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it
stands, one nation, under God, indivisible; with liberty and justice for all.
1. Picture Retakes have been scheduled for November 18 th .
2. Seniors, Your Senior portrait and baby picture are due to Mrs. Jorgensen by December 1 st .
3. Leo Club Members and others with interest in joining: There will be a meeting this Today
at lunch in room 232. We will attempt to complete nomination ballots at that time.
4. 10th Grade Students attending the CTE Field Trip this Friday should report to the library at
beginning of school on Friday. Students must turn in a permission slip in order to attend
the field trip.
5. It is time to Change Christmas, NHS will be starting their annual change drive during WIN
classes on Tuesday November 16th. Members of NHS will be visiting WIN classes from
November 16th to November 23rd to collect spare change. The change will be used to buy
gifts for families in need in our community. The WIN class that collects the most change
will be rewarded with a Sweet Treat.
6. 7th and 8th grade students who participated in the Century fundraiser need to turn in
forms and money to Ms. Coughlin no later than Tuesday 11/16/21. You still have the
weekend to sell so take advantage of it.
7. There is still room for more students to ride the fan bus. Come to the office if you still want
to sign up. Those students riding need to be at school at 4:45 in the front to get on the bus.
If any students that have signed up can't purchase tickets online, please let the office
know. Students that need to stay in the building until the bus departs should report to the
library until the bus leaves.
8. Attention all seniors that are 18 years old, if you are interested in gaining experience with
children, the Elementary school is looking for staff for the SPARKS after school program.
If you are not quite 18, we are also in need of volunteers. If you are interested, please
reach out to Mrs. Letterhart in the SPARKS/Ignite room.
Events: Varsity Volleyball Regionals @ Houghton Lake, game starts at 6:00 pm, bus departs at
4:00 pm
Event Results:
Birthdays: ????
Lunch Menu: Mashed Potato & Chicken Bowl, Dinner Roll, & Apple Slices